News and projects
We are asking the government to change the law and grant ‘Pets Rights as Sentient Beings’.
This petition is not ‘recognising’ as Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, is proposing. But rights for our pets. This will make them no longer a possession like a piece of furniture. Michael Gove will not be making this law as he would not need to raise the prison sentence to five years, and only for heinous acts. Our petition will bring the civil law into line with the penal code. Meaning that the punishment will fit the crime.
For example. France passed this law in 2014 and a man was sentenced to a year in prison after posting a video of himself tossing a kitten into the air, and breaking its leg.
Also, French divorce lawyer, Franck Mejean, said the new status would end a “legal grey area” for pets in custody battles. “I have already asked a judge to award shared custody of a cat,” Mr Mejean said. “Neither spouse wanted to part with it.”
This will be a very important step towards animal welfare. True law reform occurs because society has changed and the law needs to change with it. No longer do we as a nation want to tolerate animal abuse. We want the laws changed and the penalties to be more severe and we want the Courts to take it more seriously.
We need to make the changes. To lead it, and to mould it to fit with the changing views and values of our society. These are views shared by a very large proportion of the electorate and should be acknowledged.
Only the continuation of a strong mobilization can definitely achieve this reform, for this reason, we need you to circulate this petition. Defend the cause with your friends. If each of you signs a person more, we exceed a million signatures and weigh even more in this crucial debate.
Please, will you join and support me in one of the most important petitions in the history of animal welfare?
Our petition:

Please download a paper petition
JUNE 2014
“A New Life for Max” Under Guardianship of The German Shepherd Helpline.
Max is not a Romanian street dog, he was owned by a Romanian family. He was bought as a puppy by his owners, but throughout his life, he was kept outside, chained up, and his only shelter was a car in total disrepair. Sadly, this car was in such a precarious state that it ended up falling and crushing part of one of his hind legs. Leaving only half his leg. To make matters worse, the chain to which he was tied was so short that Max did not have space to move around as he was growing up. This meant that he did not have the space to move or even lift himself off the ground. The consequences of this cruelty are sadly all too clear – Max’s back is lowered towards the ground, his ‘good’ hind leg has not developed, and as such, has remained small. Owing to such awful living conditions and the resulting medical problems, Max has been living in mud and his own faeces.
Even though Max has been through hell, nothing has changed his personality – he is very loving, playful, gentle and loyal. He just wants to run around and invites everybody to play! We want to help Max as much as possible, but the town where he lives does not have the facilities to provide the type of treatment and rehabilitation that Max needs.
We would like to get Max the best treatment possible and we know that the UK can provide this because of its great international respect in treating disabled dogs.
We have created this group for people who want to help Max by fund-raising. We need to raise money to pay for his transportation, surgery, prosthetics, neutering etc. We want to provide Max with the best treatment and care possible. He has already suffered too much, and he deserves to live life to the full.
Max is only 12 months old.
Max’s Page:

Update: Max is now in the UK
Update:31 July 2014 Max had surgery to straighten his right leg. He had a TPLO (Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy) on his right knee and a Mid Femoral Deformity correction.
Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick

Update: 14 October 2014 Max has had the plate and screws removed.

Update: 18 March 2015 Max has his new external prosthesis.
Max is in rescue (RBU) with K-9 Rescue Remedy. Now adopted.
UPDATE: 2016 MAX has now been fitted with a custom-made internal implant.
Message from Mary, Gypsy’s Guardian.
“Gypsy was spotted on the streets of Romania by Mr. Vasile, an old gentleman who feeds and helps the dogs. Little Gypsy was living under a bush and was only about 3 months old. Mr. Vasile tried to befriend and feed her, but she was very nervous. Eventually, he managed to stroke her; he took her to a vet and the vet said she was deformed due to Rickets and poor nourishment; the vet splinted Gypsy and Mr. Vasile took her to a foster shelter at my request. But alas it was not a good shelter… there she was left and her splints were removed, she had to stay there until I could get her here to the UK. It was a nightmare, they never answered my messages. Eventually, they prepared her for transport and she arrived here on June 24th. She was terribly thin, malnourished and petrified but after a month she has come on in leaps and bounds and is an adorable girl and is being a happy, carefree pup for the first time in her short life”.
Gypsy will need medical treatment to give her the quality of life this full of life little puppy truly deserves… she will need surgery on both her front legs, she is now so full of love and life and has come such a long way under the care and devotion of her guardian Mary… but we do need help with funding for little Gypsy and we thank you in anticipation of your love, commitment and generosity of spirit for this precious little Gypsy girl ♥ x
Gypsy is also a patient with super vet Noel Fitzpatrick
Gypsy is now living a normal life with her rescuer Mary Wheeler.
UPDATE: Gypsy no longer requires funding. She is doing well.
MARCH 2015
HAZEL renamed AVA
A very sad case has been brought to our attention in Ireland. A young German Shepherd under one year of age desperately needed our help. Back in September, she sustained an injury which resulted in a broken front leg. The owner could not pay for the repair so it was paid by a welfare officer through the LSPCA. The owner should have followed up the surgery to have the fixator removed. Unfortunately, she has since been brought into a pound in Ireland as a stray after being found abandoned on a remote mountain. A rescue volunteer recognised her and realised it was the same girl only to find that the fixator has not been removed and she had sustained another serious injury to her back leg. X-Ray shows a badly broken leg of the upper part of her femur. She is extremely emaciated. She arrived in the UK on the 27th March 2015 and being cared for by German Shepherd Rescue South. She is now on the road to recovery with a new life in front of her.
AVA is also a patient with Noel Fitzpatrick

AVA is in rescue with German Shepherd Rescue South Now adopted.
MAY 2015
9-month-old GSD puppy who sustained severe injuries through a road traffic accident. She had a broken pelvis, soft tissue injury to groin and dislocated hips. Unfortunately, reductions failed, dislocates straight back out. This is a manipulation under general anesthetic. She was weight bearing on one back leg, so no spinal injuries.
Destiny battled to fight the infections and she had a Femoral Head removal.
Her story:
Owner? brought her into the vets and said fix her up and I will pay when I fetch her. Wouldn’t give name, tel no, address. Luckily she was chipped, when checked owner was informed, who stated that she had been stolen by gypsies a couple of months prior. They didn’t bother reporting it. They went to the vets and signed pts form. After discussions, they returned and agreed to sign the transfer of ownership over to CGRS. (Central German Shepherd Rescue) She is now in foster and on the road to recovery.
UPDATE: In a remarkable twist, Destiny was rushed to emergency due to haemorrhaging only to discover that she was pregnant. Two puppies died but one survived and is doing well. Destiny went through all this surgery and pulled through while becoming a mum as well. A miracle girl and baby named ‘Remo’ to say the least.


Destiny is in rescue with Central German Shepherd Rescue Now adopted and also her son. REMO
During the months of May/June/July 2015
4 x Neuterings. UK dogs.
Zion UK rescue. Behaviourist consultation. July 2015
Pharoah UK. Behaviourist consultation. July 2015
Ceasar from Romania. Long-term skin and ear problems. June 2015
Rufus from Romania. Amputee. Two Hydrotherapy sessions. June/July 2015

Snowy UK rescue. Jaw deformity
Roxy Uk rescue. Behaviourist consultation
Tyson UK rescue. Due for Cruciate Ligament operation. Awaiting surgery.
HANSON 7-8-month-old puppy. No longer requires surgery at this stage of his life. He will remain a patient of ours for life. He has now been adopted into a loving home. His new name is Rio.

Hansons page:
UPDATE Rio is now in permanent resident with Southern Counties German Shepherd rescue where you can follow his progress.
TAZ UK rescue. Referral to Fitzpatricks for spinal diagnosis. Update to follow after the 12th October.

UPDATE: 13th October
MRI and CT scans reveal that Taz has three vertebrae all fused together into one mass. He also has three vertebrae missing. Dogs have seven in the lumbar region and Taz has only four. There is an option for surgery, possibly in three places, but due to the uniqueness, in this case, the neurologist wants to study the results in detail before deciding on the best course of action. Taz has been put on pain medication and physio to ascertain that the pain is attributed to the spine and not muscle spasms. He will return in about 2 weeks time.
Taz’s condition is so rare that the only time this kind of fusion has been seen was in a dinosaur.
UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that beautiful Taz gained his angel wings on 15th October 2019. He had multiple tumours in his lungs.
RIP Taz run free sweetheart 
HANNAH & LUCY Romanian rescues. Neutering
Arrived November 7th, 2015 ‘JAKO’ Under Guardianship of The German Shepherd Helpline.
Beautiful approx. 18-month-old puppy called Jako from Tunisia.

Jako is now living with founder Brenda Jojic
Jako’s story
Jako was found dumped on the streets of Tunisia and saved by a volunteer who just couldn’t pass him by. Still just a big pup, the poor boy had obviously been turfed out because of his twisted limbs, considered to be less than rubbish, left on the street to starve to death, be poisoned, or shot by the government.
After having him examined by the vet, it became clear that the pup had suffered from malnutrition growing up, which had thwarted his bone development.
RANA – Rescue Animals of North Africa ( and ) first met Jako in December 2014, wondering how on earth they could ever help him. Enquiries with vets in the UK and Europe about what it would take to make him walk normally brought up such eye-watering quotes that they were unable to help, other than keeping him safe in the shelter.
As Jako grew up into a beautiful adult GSD, his amazingly caring personality also developed. Jako started spending time with the puppies at the shelter, caring for them and keeping them at a safe distance from the bigger dogs. He also befriended every human who cared to pass by, and this, in the end, is what gave him his chance to life in the real world…
This June, RANA volunteer Wendy met Jako and fell head over heels in love with this sweet boy. She took a video and posted and shared him all around Facebook. That is when the Helpline stepped in to help.
With the streets & animal shelters overflowing with unwanted animals we aim to rescue & rehome animals into Europe. Medicate & sterilise where needed
UPDATE: Jako’s consultation on the 21st December 2015 at Fitzpatrick Referrals showed many problems and all consistent with trauma. It was estimated that this happened at around 4-5 months of age. He was kept in and operated on while remaining there over the Christmas period. He had both his front legs and ankles fused. This is usually done one at a time but as he is so disabled the surgeon felt that it wouldn’t be a problem for him. The left one is very deformed and a small bone in his ankle that the ligaments run under had broken away and actually moved up into a completely wrong position further up the leg. Because of the damage to this foot, he has a problem with the left elbow. His right hip is completely dislocated and sits above his pelvis. His bones are very thin which is due to malnutrition.

He is now home with his foster carer and doing well. Staples removed and no signs of infection. He will be returning for a check-up in six weeks time. He will need a hip replacement and possibly some treatment to his elbow in due course.
Jako was suddenly taken ill with acute kidney failure. We rushed him to the Royal Veterinary College in Berkshire where he underwent extensive investigations. Tests revealed that he was suffering from Elrichia and Leishmania. Treatment was started and his kidneys are now functioning normally. He continues to improve and will be monitored regularly for Leishmania. He is one amazing little dog. He now lives with the founder Brenda Jojic.
Please help us with fundraising. Jako has a ‘You Caring’ page if you wish to donate.
UPDATE January 2017, Jako has been having regular blood tests and treatment for Leishmania. We are hoping that as soon as he is in remission we will be able to complete his surgery for a total hip replacement.
UPDATE March 2017 Jako had a sore on his paw that wouldn’t fully heal. Tests for Leishmania came back negative so it was a trip back to Fitzpatrick’s for further investigations. X-rays showed that a screw had worked it’s way out, so it was decided to remove the whole plate and screws. He is now home and recovering well.
UPDATE 2 November 2017. Jako had his total Hip Replacement. He is home and doing very well.

UPDATE March 2018 Unfortunately, the sore on Jako’s paw still refused to heal so another operation was performed and scar tissue was removed. It was entwined around his tendons and ligaments.
Unfortunatetely Fitzpatrick Referrals refused to resolve the problem caused by themselves.
ELSA Romanian rescue Behaviourist consultation.
MARCH 2016
Willow 3 years old. Had two unsuccessful spinal operations. She has become wobbly on her hind legs. Needs MRI and CT scans. Appointment booked with Fitzpatrick referrals on 9th March 2016.
Consultation revealed that Willow will be paralysed if surgery is not performed soon. Her two previous operations were done above the spinal cord to relieve pressure on her spinal cord, and she now has a large gap which has filled with scar tissue. But more concerning is the vertebrae just below the spinal cord, which is under the original repair. Here the disc has disintegrated between the two vertebrae and the vertebrae are unstable, causing movement and pushing the bones up which is compressing the spinal cord against the scar tissue. The spinal cord is squashed between the two. A disc implant will be fitted and the two vertebrae will then be fused together to stop any movement and relieve the spinal cord.
This is a life or death procedure. What we don’t know is how much the spinal cord is damaged and how much it will repair itself, which if badly damaged will result in Willow having a slight wobble. But we are hopeful.
UPDATE Willow is making a remarkable recovery and doing well.
JULY 2016
Storm is under 2 years old. Unknown to his owner at the time, they found that he came from a puppy farm in Ireland. Storm had an accident as a puppy whilst playing. The X-Rays showed severe elbow dysplasia. He had an urgent operation which revealed a heart condition (Genetic Atrial Fibrillation)and possibly hip dysplasia too. The insurance refused to pay. The surgery failed and Storm now needs a total elbow replacement. This will be custom built and his operation is booked in for 14th November 2016 with Noel Fitzpatrick.
Storm had a course of Lazer treatment in February 2016 due to recurring lameness.
Storm’s appointment has been rescheduled to the 26th January 2017 due to the manufacturer’s delay.
Storm has had his operation, all went very well and he is now recovering. Filming for the next series of ‘The Supervet’ took place and Storm should be making his appearance.
MAY 2019
It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that beautiful Storm gained his angel wings at 5 pm on Thursday 23rd May 2019.
Unfortunately, Storm is not producing enough bone and very little marrow. There is no bone growth around the implant, which should have happened, hence causing the screws to shear off. His hips and pelvis are very weak and fragile and wouldn’t cope with three legs. Two hip replacements are needed but due to lack of bone growth would very difficult to achieve, especially on his right hip. Noel feels that it is morally wrong to put him through anymore. We are devastated.
RIP Storm, run free sweetheart until we meet again 
Thank you all for helping Storm in his hour of need.
JULY 2016
Emergency surgery for Gastric Torsion.

APRIL 2017
Tommy is a beautiful long coat GSD who came over from Bosnia, last year. He had been suffering from ear problems. His diagnosis was that he had two different infections and ear mites. Started antibiotics but Tommy was still uncomfortable. He was put under anaesthetic but due to long-term inflammation, the vet couldn’t get his tiny camera down either ear canal. He said that no medication could pass through. Two options were given PTS or removal of both ear canals otherwise known as Total Ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy. Surgery was successful and Tommy is now recovering.

Tommy had to return to the vets as he was shaking his head and it caused the ear to rip at the bottom. So he has had some more cartilage removed to reclose it and re-stitched. He returned later in the month and swabs revealed he had picked up MRSA and E Coli infections. Happy to say that he is recovering.
It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that beautiful Tommy gained his angel wings at 9.30 this Christmas morning.
What we were hoping was just an infection turned out to be a tumour in his prostate. He returned to my vets in Somerset under the care of John and Luke who performed his ear canal surgery and will be laid to rest here with his two brothers Coco and Bobby. We are devastated.
RIP Tommy, run free sweetheart until we meet again. 
Thank you all for helping Tommy in his hour of need.
Six and half month old puppy with elbow dysplasia. Rosie is booked in for an appointment at Fitzpatrick referrals in March for surgery on her elbow.

MARCH 2018
Rosie has hip and elbow dysplasia in all four limbs. Her hips will be left until later. She has Medial Coronoid disease, which according to the vet is the most common of the group that makes up elbow dysplasia. They will do Arthroscopic treatment or ‘key-hole’ surgery to remove the fragments, tomorrow. She may also need additional procedures known as an osteotomy (cutting) of a bone (usually the ulna) if there is malalignment of the bones at the level of the elbow.
Rosie is home and doing well, although she is feeling very sorry for herself as she can’t do what puppies want to do. It’s going to be a long six weeks for all the family. We are so happy that she is on the road to recovery. She is a real poppet and loves people. Here are some photos and x rays of where they cut her ulna’s.
MAY 2018
BLADE UK dog. Neutering.
JUNE 2018
RUFUS Romanian rescue. X Rays.
MORAG UK dog. Donation towards hit and run accident.
MALACHI UK dog. Donation towards vet bill.
STORM UK dog. Donation towards vet bill.
KYRO UK dog. Training consultation.
CHICCA UK dog. Behaviour consultation.
MARCH 2019
ROSIE UK dog. Behaviour consultation.
Arrived March 13th, 2019 ‘ALEX’ Under Guardianship of The German Shepherd Helpline.
Another beautiful puppy from Tunisia. Approx. 10-12 months old. He was abandoned on the streets due to his deformed legs. Diagnosed with Rickets? He is being fostered with a lovely family and will undergo all the necessary investigations to rectify his problem before he is rehomed. Currently settling into his new life.

Here is Alex leaving Tunisia and in his new foster home.

Alex is having hydrotherapy and his limbs can be corrected with surgery.

MARCH 2019
Alex went in to have his x rays and castration. He said that Alex’s hips are pretty good but he has Ununited Anconeal Process (UAP) in his elbow and the right one is almost fused. His knees had quite a bit of movement as did his shoulders, but the vet felt he was not in any pain. He will be referred to specialists.
MAY 2019
Alex wasn’t eating too well so he went in for blood tests. They found he had low low cortisol levels and they want him to go back for more tests to check for Addison’s disease.
UPDATE: Alex has tested negative for Addison’s disease. We are so pleased.
JUNE 2019
We have found an orthopedic surgeon who recommends, and willing to do surgery. Hamilton Specialists Referrals have seen Alex’s x rays and been very helpful. They would operate to fuse the front legs first (Pancarpal arthrodesis) and after 8 -12 weeks fuse the hind legs (Pantarsal arthrodesis).
The estimated costs are £7000 – £7500 per session. So potentially £15,000 for all four limbs.
Following joint fusions, some aspects of day to day living need adapting but once Alex gets accustomed to the changes they anticipate little issue with mobility.